No. 57.
Mr. Baker
to Mr. Gresham.
Managua, May 30, 1894. (Received June 12, 1894.)
Sir: I have just received from Mr. Charles Lobner, a reliable resident of Bluefields, a letter, of which I herewith inclose a copy. On the 5th of May, some days before I left Bluefields, I secured from the Nicaraguan special commissioner to the reserve, José Madriz, an agreement that all Nicaraguan soldiers should be removed from Bluefields, and that not more than fifty should be quartered at the bluff. This agreement was promptly carried out on the 7th of the month. I left Bluefields on the night of the 11th. Between those dates there were no soldiers in the town.
From the inclosed letter it seems that as soon as I left the soldiers were taken back to Bluefields by Lacayo, in utter contempt of the agreement of his superior officer.
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I shall immediately call the attention of Mr. Madriz and the President to this breach of faith.
I have, etc.,