No. 23.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. Gresham.
Embassy of
the United States,
London, March 29, 1894.
(Received April 9.)
Sir: I had the honor by my dispatch of the 16th
instant, to communicate to you some remarks upon the status of the “Mosquito
Reservation,” in the territory of Nicaragua. Since then I have received from
[Page 35]
Lord Kimberley, on the 24th
instant, a memorandum in relation to the incident of the landing of a
British armed force at Bluefields, and inclose herewith a copy.
As I have before had the honor to state, the political status of these
Mosquito Indians and the extent of their rights of local self-government are
illy denned, and it is highly desirable for the interests of all concerned
that the lines of lawful authority should be more distinctly established and
agreed upon.
The theater of the events under consideration is remote, and the region is
occupied by a population imperfectly civilized and scattered.
The most influential residents of Bluefields are traders, English and
American, with some negroes from the Island of Jamaica, and information of a
reliable and satisfactory nature is necessarily difficult to obtain. But it
does not appear that the alleged intervention by the British armed force was
for the maintenance of the rights of the Mosquito Indians against alleged
Nicaraguan oppressors—but, rather, to protect other classes of residents,
who are not mentioned in the treaty of Managua, of 1860, between Great
Britain and Nicaragua, and are not parties to any stipulations, express or
implied, by that convention.
At the close of the memorandum, now transmitted herewith, it is stated that
interviews and arrangements for the purpose of restoring peace and order at
Bluefields were between the British consuls and the Nicaraguan general, in
which it was by and under Nicaraguan authority alone all the measures to
restore and maintain peace were to be executed.
This arrangement, so far as it goes, implies a recognition of Nicaraguan
sovereignty, and the subordination of Mosquito affairs to the (not
unqualified) control of the former. I am informed that Nicaragua has paid in
full the annuity of $5,000 stipulated for ten years by the treaty of
Managua, and I am disposed to believe that, by the exercise of moderation,
discretion, and just humanity, Nicaragua can remove all vestige of pretext
or reason for any foreign intervention for the settlement of questions of a
social or political nature between herself and the Mosquito Indians, and
that race and that class are the only individuals who have any recognition
or standing under the terms of the treaty of Managua, which contained
restrictions upon the sovereignty thereby ceded to Nicaragua by Great
It has been reported that Admiral Benham has been asked to visit Bluefields,
and I hope it is true and that a reliable report of the condition of that
region may thus be furnished.
Sir John Hopkins, the British admiral, is a man of the same stamp, and his
account may be looked tor with interest and respect by all parties.
As a possible contribution to knowledge of the locality and events in
question, I inclose copies of a communication by a correspondent of the
Times, of the 27th instant, which is, however, evidently colored by the
views and prejudices of the writer in the interests of a Moravian
The treaty rights of Nicaragua, under the convention of 1860, at Managua,
must be interpreted by the then existing state of facts, and it will not be
safe to interpolate additional restrictions upon the sovereignty of
Nicaragua, as to subjects and interests not then existent and not even
contemplated at that time.
The spiritual welfare of the Mosquito population was not, and is not, among
the responsibilities with which Great Britain was charged or is
[Page 36]
Upon obtaining further information on the subject I will communicate it to
I have, etc.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 23.]
Memorandum handed to me March 24 by Lord Kimberley,
personally, at the foreign office.
The latest information respecting the state of affairs at Blueflelds is
contained in two telegrams from the admiral commanding the West Indies
Station and the captain of the Canada, from
From these telegrams it appears that the captain of the Cleopatra, Captain Curzon-Howe, had, on the 5th of March, at
the request of the consuls and the Nicaraguan commissioner, landed 100
men at Bluefields for the protection of life and property; that this
detachment had, on the 16’th of March, been replaced by a detachment
from the Canada (Captain Wilson), the Cleopatra being under orders to proceed to
Newfoundland. The men were reembarked on the 20th, the Nicaraguan
commissioner at Bluefields having undertaken to form a provisional
It is not known what was the exact nature of the disturbances which led
to the landing of the men from the British ships, but on the 17th of
March Her Majesty’s minister at Guatemala had telegraphed that
disturbances had occurred at Bluefields, and that there had been
serious’ loss of life and property.
The information which had been previously sent by Mr. Gosling, and which
was received on the 4th of March, was that the Nicaraguan authorities
had, on the 12th of February, overthrown the Government of the Mosquito
Reserve, and had proclaimed Nicaraguan authority; that Her Majesty’s
consul had telegraphed to Jamaica for a ship of war.
On dispatching H. M. S. Cleopatra to Grey Town and
the coast of the Mosquito Reserve, Admiral Hopkins gave orders to the
captain that his stay in those waters should not be longer than he might
consider necessary (after consultation with the local representatives of
the British Government) for the protection of British interests and
subjects. The same orders were given to the captain of the Canada, which relieved the Cleopatra.
The Cleopatra arrived at Grey Town on the 22d of
February, and there her captain learned that early in the month 120
Nicaraguan soldiers had arrived and had proceeded to Bluefields, of
which they took possession during the night of the 12th, martial law and
a state of siege being declared, and all the Mosquitian officials being
deposed and the Nicaraguan flag being hoisted.
The Cleopatra took on board Iler Majesty’s consul,
and arrived at Bluefields on the 25th of February. The captain and the
consul had interviews with the Nicaraguan commissioner and the general
in command of the Nicaraguan troops. The result of these interviews was
that the general undertook (1) to raise the state of martial law, (2) to
hoist the Mosquito flag alongside the flag of Nicaragua, (3) to form a
council, (4) to organize a civil police, (5) to send away a portion of
his troops.
The Cleopatra left on the 27th of February for
Colon, to coal, leaving some armed boats in sight of Bluefields, to
which place she subsequently returned to await the arrival of the Canada to relieve her.
[Page 37]
[Inclosure 2 in No.23–From the Times,
Tuesday, March 27, 1894.]
The Nicaraguan attach on Bluefields.
[From a correspondent.]
Allow me to draw the attention of your readers to an act of aggression on
the part of Nicaragua. She violently took possession of the Mosquito
Reservation on the morning of the 12th instant, invading its capital,
the town of Bluefields, with an armed force of soldiers when air its
inhabitants were fast asleep, breaking open the Government buildings,
and placing them under a strong guard, temporarily arresting those who
might have escaped to raise an alarm, forcing open the gaols and letting
loose all the prisoners, hoisting her flag on the Mosquito flagstaff,
and declaring the natives Nicaraguan citizens. By these measures the
Nicaraguans have deprived the chief, Robert Henry Clarence, of his
authority as president of the council, dismissed the members of that
body, removed the judges of the supreme court, the magistrates, and
every government official in the service of his excellency the chief.
They have also appropriated moneys, and roughly handled a British
subject, the customhouse collector, to obtain the keys of the safe. Up
to the present date we have been tinder martial law, which was
proclaimed on the 12th instant.
In this way Nicaragua has used force and intimidation to deprive the
Mosquitos of their rights. She has also offered bribes to many
influential persons to agree and consent to this when the final
settlement comes. The natives are opposed to any closer relation with
Nicaragua, with whom they have no sympathy, their customs, manners, and
character being so much at variance. The Mosquitos have a great liking
for England; they were happy and contented while under her protectorate
from the latter part of the seventeenth century to 1800, and a pang went
through the whole of the tribes when the best part of their territory
was handed over to Honduras and Nicaragua. However, they were pacified
by having a portion set apart for their use and at being free to govern
themselves without any interference from the supreme Government; and
they implicitly believed that England would see that all the
stipulations of the treaty of Managua made between Her Britannic Majesty
and the Republic of Nicaragua in 1800 were carried out. So far they have
done their best to comply with all the stipulations of this treaty, and
have respected the rights of the sovereign power. They have borne
patiently the encroachments and oppression of Nicaragua for many years
past, protesting and reporting to the foreign office from time to time
as they occurred; but, for some reason or other, no satisfaction was
ever obtained. For the last ten years the commercial development of this
country has made rapid strides. Foreign-capitalists, especially
American, have established the banana trade, which is now very
extensive; other investments have also been made in connection with the
natural products of the country according to the laws of the Mosquito
Government, and if this radical and sudden change is to have effect,
concessions, grants, leases of lands, and Government obligations will
have to be taken into consideration and regulated accordingly, all
having been done upon the strength of the treaty.
The Nicaraguans have long looked with a jealous eye upon the revenues and
harbor advantages of this country, never failing to encroach where they
saw a chance, and holding on tenaciously in spite of all remonstrances
and opposition. They obtained a footing at Rama City,
[Page 38]
situated at the mouth of the Rama and Siquia
rivers, tributaries of the Escondido or Bluefields River, a few miles
east of the western boundary, and they invited their wealthy men to come
there from the interior, granted them lands in the vicinity,
irrespective of claims or leases issued by the Mosquito Government,
built a quartel for the soldiers, appointed a governor, and extracted
dues and revenues from the people. Then they began to watch a large
mahogany company who are cutting valuable woods, and wherever a chance
could be seen declared the works to be in Nicaragua, thus obtaining the
extraction dues. Another instance of encroachment was the establishment
of a military station and governor on the Rio Grande or Great River,
about lo miles due east of the western boundary. The next step was to
strip the reserve of its islands and bays, which the natives possessed
for fishing and growing cocoanuts long before the treaty of Managua was
ever thought of. Several other encroachments have been reported to the
foreign office, the last and most serious being the forcible occupation
of Bluefields, the capital of the reservation, and other towns on the
The Mosquito constitution and code of laws are well adapted to both
natives and foreigners, and the Government is liberal. The
Administration had many defects, and must change gradually to suit
existing circumstances as commerce and civilization advances; but this
does not concern Nicaragua, who has “no control” over the governing
powers within the limits of the reserve. Now that these unwarrantable
proceedings have taken place, we should like to know definitely how this
country stands, and what step England will take. A British man-of-war
was sent for by Her Majesty’s consul at Grey Town some time back, but up
to date it has not arrived.
I may here give an account of the beginning of this serious trouble.
General Carlos A. Lacayo, the appointed commissioner to the reserve from
Nicaragua, arrived here with a staff of officers on November 2, 1893,
seemingly on a secret mission to annex the country. He erected immense
buildings to serve as quartel offices and dwelling house. Building a
wharf out into the lagoon, lie compelled all ships going up the river to
take a pass from him here. He imposed a heavy duty on bananas,
principally coming out of the reserve. From the first the natives had
their suspicions as to his intentions, and murmurs of disapproval
increased day by day. The chief and his council had their attention
drawn to the matter, and they also began to look upon it with alarm. To
favor the secret scheme there was the war between Honduras and
About 200 soldiers came from Grey Town, without any notification to the
chief, to be shipped to Truxillo. During their eight days’ sojourn in
Bluefields, on board the steamer Mabel Comeaux,
the anxiety of the people was raised to an alarming extent, but upon the
advice of the chief and his Government they did not do anything which
might have helped to bring about the incorporation which they mortally
dread. The soldiers left here for Cape Gracias a. Dios, with an addition
of volunteers consisting of Honduras rebels and many others of doubtful
character. Other troops, sent for specially by the commissioner, arrived
on the steamship Miranda, and were landed by
small boats. When the chief again heard of the arrival of troops lie
immediately invited the commissioner to the Government house and put
forward several important questions, one of which was whether he still
respected the treaty of Managua and the award by the Emperor of Austria.
To these questions he received very evasive answers. His Excellency then
protested against the soldiers walking about the streets armed it being
[Page 39]
unnecessary and against
the laws of the municipal government. This appears to have given great
offense. No doubt the incident was misrepresented to the Nicaraguan
Government, and the commissioner received secret instructions to take
the bold step spoken of at once. If the chief had been courteously
notified at the very first of the expected arrival of the troops and of
their object, he would have used his best endeavors to accommodate and
facilitate their movements to the frontier while hostilities between
Honduras and Nicaragua were pending.
General Carlos A. Lacayo aud General Rigoberto Cabezas have now taken
over the whole management of affairs in the country, and have already
filled up the several offices for the collection of dues and taxes,
etc., by an entirely new staff. For these places there was no lack of
applicants, principally foreigners, who rushed into the scramble for the
plums of office. The generals are about to form a new code of laws, to
govern according to the constitution of Nicaragua, and to get everything
in working order before there is any investigation by Her Britannic
Majesty’s Government.
Business is almost at a standstill, and many people have closed their
houses and taken refuge in the bush and up the rivers. Terror prevails
where a few months ago all felt secure and happy. To add to this chaotic
state of affairs, another revolution has broken out in the interior.
I also earnestly wish to call the special attention of England to the
Moravian mission churches and schools that have been so long established
in the country and supported in every way by the Mosquito Government,
who gave annually a handsome donation from the treasury toward their
support. This institution, which stands alone, has done much noble work
among the Indians in educating them both spiritually and morally, and so
bringing them gradually to a state of civilization. What is to become of
them in a country where Protestantism is merely tolerated and the
Sabbath only observed as a holiday, with drinking, gambling, bullfights,
heavy betting around a cockpit, and reveling and fighting in the
streets? Is this little Territory, that was at peace with the whole
world, to be brought within the jurisdiction of a country that is always
in a state of revolution and turmoil? Are all the enterprises that were
built upon the existence of the treaty to diminish and gradually die
out? A great deal of pressure will be brought to bear in many ways upon
the merchants and residents that will compel them to quit, and so make
room for the Spaniards to come in and fill up the vacancy.
Having laid before your readers the true facts of our present situation,
I would advise England for the sake of her honor to take immediate steps
to relieve a people from a future serfdom, and a prosperous little
country from ruin, by a thorough investigation of all the wrongs this
country has suffered, and insist upon the whole of the treaty of Managua
and the award by the Emperor of Austria being carried out faithfully by
Nicaragua. Even for diplomatic reasons she should not relax her hold in
this little spot of Central America, which eventually she may need. Her
Britannic Majesty’s pro-vice-consul and the United States consular agent
are doing their very best, in the interests of the people they
represent, with the limited powers they have at their disposal.
February 25.
Early this morning Her Majesty’s ship Cleopatra
arrived from Grey Town with Mr. H. F. Bingham, the British consul, on
board. Capt. Assheton G. Curzon Howe, R. N., accompanied by his
secretary, came
[Page 40]
ashore with
important dispatches to the Nicaraguan commissioner. Mr. E. D. Hatch,
Her Britannic Majesty’s pro-vice consul, introduced the officers to Gen.
Carlos A. Lacayo. On their return to the British vice-consulate,
accompanied by a peaceable crowd, the Nicaraguan soldiers rushed down,
shouting “Viva Nicaragua!” to disperse them with loaded revolvers and
riles, for the martial law forbids an assemblage of persons either
walking or standing about. Fortunately an officer saw the danger that
might arise, and stopped it just in time.
February 26.
A meeting of investigation was held on shore to day, Capt. A. G. C. Howe,
R. N., and Mr. H. F. Bingham, British consul, representing Her Britannic
Majesty, and Gen. Carlos A. Lacayo, the commissioner, representing the
Republic of Nicaragua. The British representatives demanded that the
Mosquito nag should be hoisted again, that martial law should be raised
within a certain time, and that a written guarantee should be given for
the lives of the chief and his late officials, but none of them to be
replaced in office at present. The commissioner’s plea that Mosquito was
being misgoverned wholly by Jamaica negroes is entirely unfounded, and
in any case it is of no concern to Nicaragua. The chief, whose life was
threatened, has been in hiding since, but arrived here late this
evening, and is now under the charge of the British consul. He is just
21 years of age.
February 27.
All is quiet in town. Gen. C. A. Lacayo returned the official visit to
Captain Howe on board the Cleopatra to-day. It is
rumored he has telegraphed for further instructions to his Government.
Her Majesty’s ship Cleopatra, after landing fifty
marines and two Gatling guns at the Bluff for the protection of the
inhabitants against any disturbance, left for Colon or Jamaica this
evening to cable for further instructions from the foreign office, and
is expected to return in about four days.
February 28.
The Mosquito flag was hoisted by the side of the Nicaraguan flag this
morning. All seems quiet, but everything is at a standstill till the
matter is settled. Many Indians, with their headmen, from the upper part
of the coast are arriving here every day. Before this the Mosquito
Government used to look after their accommodation and comfort, but now,
as there-are no buildings or funds, they will either have to be
entertained by the Nicaraguan officials or depend upon the generosity of
their friends.
As Her Majesty’s ship Cleopatra has been here and
taken the business in hand, our misgiving as to England’s moving in the
matter is at an end.