No. 21.
Mr. Braida
to Mr. Uhl.
San Juan del Norte, Bluefields, March 26, 1894.
(Received April 11.)
Sir: Having been accused by some Nicaraguan officials to have taken a hostile attitude toward the Nicaragua Government since my arrival at Bluefields, I beg to transmit a copy of my dispatch1 to Honorable L. Baker, United States minister at Managua, on that subject.
Furthermore, I beg to state that, having been without instructions, I have not “acted” at all, and have most conscientiously restricted myself to maintain order and peace, and to quiet the prevailing excitement during day and night. I was in duty bound not to make ourselves a party in the arrangement between Great Britain and Nicaragua, knowing that arrangements they were about to enter into would be detrimental to the best interests of the United States, and also against the most vital interests of our citizens residing and doing business in the Mosquito Reservation.
I have the honor, etc.,
United States Consul.
- Not printed.↩