Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.

No. 40.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 35 in reply to my No. 33 of the 19th of August, in which I inclosed a copy of the note, lately addressed by me to the Spanish Government, touching the Caroline incident.

It is pleasing to me to know that my note accords in every particular with the views which you have so clearly expressed as to the rights of the missionaries and as to the manner of their enforcement. You will observe that my note maintains that the return of the missionaries to their original status and rights is the condition precedent which must precede the payment of the modest money indemnity which has been tendered and accepted upon that basis. By requesting the minister of state to fix a time in the near future at which the missionaries may return to the enjoyment of their rights, I hoped to bring the most serious aspect of the case to a definite issue.

As I have so far received no answer to my note, I have to-day addressed a second, requesting an early response. I shall press the matter earnestly.

I am, etc.,

Hannis Taylor.