Señor Cayetano
Romero to Mr. Foster.
Legation of Mexico,
Washington, January 12,
1893. (Received January 13.)
Mr. Secretary: I have the honor, in pursuance
of instructions received from Mr. Mariscal, secretary of foreign
relations of Mexico, herewith to inclose a copy of a communication
addressed to that officer on the 16th ultimo by the consul of the
Republic at Rio Grande City, Tex., suggesting that it would be well for
the U. S. Government to station detachments of Federal troops at the
fords of the Rio Grande, between that place and Laredo, so as to render
it difficult for the highwaymen who assemble and organize in Texas to
cross that river. The Government of Mexico hopes that this suggestion
will be adopted, since it does not doubt that its adoption would be
productive of good results.
Be pleased to accept, etc.
Señor Leal to
Señor Mariscal.
Consulate of Mexico,
Grande City Tex., December 16, 1892.
No. 31.]
The officer in command of Fort Ringgold called to see me to-day at my
office, and in speaking of the recent occurrences at the San Ignacio
ranch, a report of which I had the honor to send to the department
under your charge in my dispatch of the 13th instant (No. 30), I
took the liberty to suggest to him that it would he well for
detachments of Federal troops to be stationed at the fords of the
Rio Grande on the Texas side, inasmuch as the crossing of outlaws as
into Mexican territory might thereby be prevented.
The said officer told me in reply that the idea seemed to him to be a
good one, hut that he would have to consult the officer in command
of the Department of Texas on the subject.
I have, Mr. Minister, addressed a communication relative to this
matter to Don Plutarco Ornelas, at San Antonio, Tex., requesting him
to call on the officer commanding the department, and to point out
to him the advisability of stationing such detachments at the fords
of the Rio Grande between this city and Laredo.
It is my belief, Mr. Minister, that this measure, if adopted, would
be productive of the best results, and that the presence of Federal
troops in those places would prevent any further incursions into our
territory by those criminals.
I have the honor to communicate this to you for your information, and
to reiterate to you the assurances of my very distinguished
consideration and most profound respect.