Señor Cayetano Romero to Mr. Foster.
Washington, January 12, 1893. (Received January 13.)
Mr. Secretary: I have the honor, in pursuance of instructions received from my Government, and refering to your Department note of the 27th ultimo, herewith to transmit to you a copy of a detailed statement which I have received from the department of foreign relations of Mexico, in which is given the number of troops now on the right bank of the Rio Grande.
This number is, in the opinion of my Government, sufficient to protect our territory, and I take the liberty, in this connection, to call the attention of the U. S. Government to the fact that the outlaws have never been able to remain even for two days on the right bank of the Rio Grande, and those who last crossed, since the occurrence at San Ignacio, were not able to remain on Mexican soil more than fifteen minutes, while another party was beaten in attempting to cross, being unable to reach the Mexican side.
I avail, etc.,