Mr. Foster to Señor Cayetano Romero.
Washington, January 4, 1893.
My Dear Mr. Romero: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 1st instant, inclosing a clipping from the New York Times in which it alleges that the Mexican Government maintains a military force of 2,727 men on their side of the Rio Grande.
You state in your note that you understand from prior reports that our force in that vicinity numbers from 600 to 800 men.
In reply I beg to inform you that it is learned on inquiry of the War Department that the United States forces in the vicinity of the Rio Grande are about 1,800 men.
Referring to a previous communication from you in which you informed me that it was believed that some Mexican soldiers were held prisoners at San Ignacio, Tex., I beg to advise you of the receipt by this Department of a dispatch from our consul-general at Nuevo Laredo informing us that it is claimed by the authorities at San Ygnacio that the Mexican troops remain on the Texas side partly because they prefer life in the United States, and also because they are afraid to return to Mexico, fearing punishment.
Very truly, yours,