Señor Cayetano Romero to Mr. Foster.
Washington, December 21, 1892.
My dear Mr. Foster: I have had the honor to receive your note of yesterday, wherein, replying to mine of the 14th instant relative to the raid into Mexico on the 10th by outlaws from the United States, and to the complaint made by me on this account in obedience to instructions from Mr. Mariscal, you are pleased to allude to the statement made to me in your note of the 14th instant, to the effect that the War Department had taken energetic measures to preserve the peace and to prevent any invasion of Mexican soil or any violation of the neutrality laws of this country, adding that the Government of the United States can not admit that it has, on any occasion, failed to make every possible effort to prevent its territory from serving as a [Page 429] basis for any project hostile to Mexico, or that it has ever failed to take every measure in its power to prevent, so far as the United States is concerned, the violation of its neutrality laws, and you inform me that you have called the attention of the Secretary of War and of the governor of Texas to the matter which formed the subject of my note, and have once more urged the use of energetic measures calculated to prevent any Violation of the Mexican frontier by persons from United States territory.
I this day communicated the contents of your aforesaid note to my Government, for its information, and I hereby express the wish that the measures which have been taken here for the purpose of putting a speedy end to the disturbances on the Texan frontier may be entirely successful.
These measures, in my opinion, would have been rendered unnecessary by the presence there of a respect able body of regular troops, sufficient to guard so extensive a frontier.
I am, etc.,