Señor Cayetano Romero to Mr. Foster.
Washington, D. C., December 14, 1892.
My dear Mr. Foster: I beg to inform you of the receipt this afternoon, from Señor Mariscal, of a cablegram in regard to the raid into Mexico recently made by some bandits, who surprised a small detachment of Mexican troops, burned their barracks, killed and wounded some of them and brought others prisoners into Texas, together with their horses and arms, of which I have already spoken to you.
Mr. Mariscal instructs me in said dispatch to make a complaint to the United States Government for the above raid, which would not have occurred had there been enough Federal troops in Texas to prevent such a violation of the neutrality laws of this country, and for the lack of care shown in this matter by the local authorities of that State.
I beg to send you herewith copy and translation of two telegrams I have also received from the Mexican consuls at Laredo and San Antonio, Tex., respectively, one conveying the information that another band of robbers is preparing to invade Mexico between Mier and Gurrero, and the other that 16 Mexican soldiers, captured and brought over by the same, are still imprisoned at San Ignacio, Tex.
I have no doubt that the United States Government will take at once, in view thereof, the necessary measures for the prompt and energetic pursuit of the bandits who leisurely fitted out on American territory an expedition against a friendly nation, for the quick release of the Mexican prisoners above mentioned, and for the prevention in the future of similar raids and outrages, which interfere so much with the development of the commercial and social relations which both countries are striving to attain for their common benefit.
I am, etc,