Mr. Adee to Mr. Baker.

No. 58.]

Sir: I have received your No. 57, of 27th July last, and the copy of a note, which you inclose, from Señor Rivas, dated on the 24th of that month, wherein he refers to the bombardment on that day of the city [Page 214] of Managua by the fleet of the insurgents without the previous notice required in civilized warfare, and urges you, in order to secure the safety of the legation, to remove the same temporarily to Granada, offering you a special train therefor.

The terms of your reply to this courteous offer are commended. The first test of an organized government being its ability to maintain public order at the seat of its capital, your intimation that your post of duty is at Managua was timely and proper.

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.