No. 555.
Mr. Pratt
to Mr. Bayard.
Teheran, September 20, 1887. (Received November 2.)
Sir: I have the honor to report that the real estate owned by United States citizens in Persia is estimated by the most reliable authorities as representing between $115,000 and $120,000 in money originally invested, its actual value being far above those figures and steadily increasing.
The property in question is held almost exclusively by our missionaries, who annually expend here not less than $70,000.
The work of these noble men and women appears from all indications to be at present in a most flourishing condition, and it affords me particular gratification to report to you that they are accomplishing a vast amount of good in this land, not only in the way of elevating and educating the native Christian element, but also by the beneficial moral effect of their example upon the community generally.
I have, etc.