No. 117.
Mr. Beach to Mr. Porter.

No. 57.]

Sir: I again continue the story of Santos from the point of concluding my previous dispatch on the same subject, dated July 10. Immediately after closing that dispatch I sent the following cablegram to Washington:

Guayaquil, July 10.

Secretary Bayard, Washington:

Responding to my telegram 6th President says Santos included in pardon, and will be liberated after short delay to make necessary decree.


On the 12th I received the following telegram from the President:


Quito, July 12.

Consul-General Beach:

This day by mail order sent to governor of Manibi for the liberation of Julio Santos.


On the 13th I sent the following cablegram to Washington:

Guayaquil, July 13, 1885.

Secretary Bayard, Washington:

President telegraphed yesterday saying ordered by mail to governor Manibi for Santos’s release.


The same day I sent a translation of the following to the President:

Guayaquil, July 13.

Mr. President, Quito:

Have cabled to Washington the purport of your two telegrams.

Consul-General BEACH.

On the 11th I wrote to Mr. Santos the import of the President’s telegram to me of the 10th, and expressed it as my belief that he would soon be freed. By due course of mail he should have received this on the 15th.

The order which the President telegraphed left Quito the 12th. Should by due course of mail reach Mr. Santos today or to-morrow.

I am, &c.,
