Mr. Bayard to Mr. Cox.
Washington, October 8, 1885.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 14, of the 18th ultimo, and commend your course in committing the protection of American interests at Harpoot, where this Government has no consular representative, to the care of the English vice-consul there, which you naive been enabled to do through the kindness of Sir William A. White, Her Britannic Majesty’s minister at Constantinople. You will convey a suitable expression of the thanks of this Government to Sir William for his much appreciated courtesy, which adds but another proof of the uniform kindness of Her Majesty’s diplomatic and consular authorities in Turkey under similar circumstances.
I shall also direct Mr. Phelps, the United States minister at London, to acquaint the foreign office of your request, and of the pleasure which Sir William A. White’s ready compliance therewith has given.
I am, &c.,