No. 652.
Mr. Wallace to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, April 9, 1885.
(Received April 27).
No. 491.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit for your
consideration a copy, with translation, of a note received yesterday from
the Sublime Porte upon the subject of the demands compensatory of the
injuries and wrongs done to Messrs. Reynolds, Knapp, and Pflaum.
[Page 847]
As this is the second refusal of the claims by the Imperial Government, it
would seem that the legation may properly hold itself acquit of further
action in their support until you are pleased to favor it with further
* * * * * * *
It may not be improper to add that my course throughout the affair was
governed by instructions.
I am. &c.,
[Enclosure in No.
Assim Pasha to Mr.
Porte, Ministry of Foreign
April 6,
Mr. Envoy: I have received the two
communications which your excellency addressed to me, dated February 27,
Nos. 240 and 241, demanding an indemnity in favor of Br. Pilaum, Knapp,
and Reynolds.
Inasmuch as the Imperial minister has had the honor to observe previously
to your excellency that in penal-matters there is no provision giving a
private individual, who considers himself injured in his rights,
permission to claim pecuniary indemnity from the state, I regret,
therefore, my inability to accede to your excellency’s demand.
I believe, however, having added, that it is lawful for the parties
interested to bring suit against the magistrates for prejudice to their
cases by reason of irregularities in the proceedings.
Will you accept, &c.,