No. 646.

Mr. Wallace to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 479.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit to the Department a copy of a note which will be sent to the Sublime Porte to-day.

The subject is the affair of Dr. Pflaum. Your instructions seemed to contemplate the allowance of a reasonable time for the Turkish authorities to offer compensation to the injured party for the wrongs done him. In my judgment, the time elapsed since the receipt of the communication of the minister of foreign affairs containing his admission in the case has been amply sufficient for the purpose.

I am, &c.,

[Page 842]
[Inclosure in No. 479.]

Mr. Wallace to Assim Pasha.

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note No. 77172, 1, and dated the 7th of last January, in which you were pleased to acknowledge the discovery of irregularities in the treatment of Br. Pflaum, an American citizen, whose case has been already a subject of correspondence between your excellency’s ministry and this legation. You were also good enough to inform me in the same communication that two officials concerned in that affair had been removed and another one reprimanded.

In the judgment of the Department of State, to which I transmitted your note, it would seem fitting that the admission of the said discovery of irregularities in the treatment of Dr. Pflaum, should be followed up by an immediate offer on the part of the Sublime Porte to make due reparation for the wrongs inflicted upon him. No such offer having been made, however, I am under the necessity, following my instructions, to renew the demand heretofore made for indemnity in behalf of the unfortunate citizen mentioned. You will greatly oblige me by answering this communication at your earliest convenience.

I seize, &c.,