No. 641.
Mr. Wallace to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, February 12, 1885.
(Received March 6.)
No. 475.]
Sir: In the matter of the circulation and sale of
the books of the American Bible Society, and the closing of the schools at
Ain Kunyet Banias and Mejdel Shems, which formed the subject of my dispatch
to the Department, No. 471, I have the honor to inclose a report of the
dragoman of the legation, dated the 10th instant, which will show that my
private and unofficial resort to the minister of public instruction is
working very well.
I also inclose a copy of a letter to be sent by next mail to Rev. Dr. Eddy at
Beirut, which distinctly informs that gentleman and his associates of the
action proposed to be taken by the minister of public instruction, and that
the opening of the schools depends upon their applying for the permits
required by the law. My present understanding is that the reopening of the
place of worship and the return of Dr. Eddy’s property go with the reopening
of the schools. Should this not be the case, it would appear that the
failure in those cases will readily yield to a formal demand.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 475.]
Mr. Gargiulo to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, February 10,
Sir: I have the honor to state that I had an
interview with the minister of public instruction with regard to the
matter of the schools in Syria and books of the Bible Society in
general. The minister said that a letter would be forwarded to the
[Page 839]
of Syria
instructing him to give permits to the schools as requested in your last
communication, if the supervisors of the schools made application
therefor in accordance with the law.
As to the question of the hooks, he referred me to the president of the
hoard of education, who assured me that he will report favorably for the
restoration of everything to its former condition; that is, the
arrangement perfected by the commission instituted some two years ago
about the circulation of books must stand good; and with regard to the
inscription on the title-page of the books, the statement lately adopted
that the sentence that is published, at the expense of the American and
English Bible Society, should be sufficient. He assured me that such a
report would be made and delivered to the minister of public
instruction, upon whose decision the question rests.
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure 2 in No. 475.]
Mr. Wallace to Rev.
Dr. Eddy.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, February 10,
Dear Sir: In the matter of the closing of the
schools at Ain Kunyet Banias and Mejdel Shems, in Syria, it may be of
interest to you to know that I have succeeded in getting the minister of
public instruction to send an order to the governor-general to issue the
permits required by law for the schools upon application made to him
therefor. I took this step without knowledge if you desired to make such
application or what your views upon the subject are. My idea was to have
the schools opened in the quickest possible time, and to return you
possession of the house now sealed up at Ain Kunyet Banias without your
resorting to law.
To have carried the business to the Sublime Porte in the way of formal
demand, making a diplomatic question of it, Would have been to leave the
schools, the place of worship, and the house closed for an indefinite
period. It is, therefore, for you and your associates to decide now
whether you will apply for the permits or not. I do not assume to advise
you in the matter. My opinion is, however, that as a rule it is better
to conform to the law of the country in which we find ourselves.
I should be glad to hear from you directly upon the subject.
I am, &c.,