Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Wallace.
Washington, February 4, 1885.
Sir: I have received your No. 461, of the 13th ultimo, inclosing a copy of a note from the minister for foreign affairs admitting the discovery of unnamed irregularities in the case of Messrs. Knapp and Reynolds, and saying that certain officials have been “put under judgment” on that account.
This step is viewed with satisfaction as evidence of a desire on the part of the Turkish Government to recede from the deadlock into which the matter has fallen through the action of the Turkish authorities, and of a purpose to act in accordance with international comity and right counsel. It remains to be seen, however, whether substantial justice for these injured men can be reached, and certainly no less will satisfy us.
Under all the circumstances of this case the Government of the United States rightly expects that the Government of Turkey will make early and due reparation to Messrs. Knapp and Reynolds for the outrages perpetrated by Moussa Rey, whose identity is beyond question.
You will, however, be governed in presenting the matter to the Turkish Government by the terms of my instruction to you of the 29th ultimo, No. 257, relative to the case of Dr. Pflaum.
I am, &c.,