No. 636.

Mr. Wallace to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 467.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the affair of Euphrates College (American) at Harpoot, Rev. Mr. Barnum, president, appears to be advancing toward a friendly settlement.

Mr. Heap, while in charge of the legation, made a strong representation of the case to the Sublime Porte, and pressed the issuance of a permit for the college. Upon my arrival I followed the matter up, and the result of our joint efforts is a telegram from the minister of public instruction to the authorities of Harpoot, that the formalities required by law must be fulfilled, and a permit given at once.

I have written to Mr. Barnum, informing him of the telegram, and advising him to comply heartily with the law.

The same college authorities appear to have imported a printing press in connection with their institution. By the law they should have obtained a permit to use it before printing anything. Nevertheless, they published some pamphlets or small books without the license, and were fined £50 Turkish. Upon examination of the law I became satisfied that, the facts being admitted by the college people, there was no way to escape the penalty, and I advised its payment. It seemed to me good policy to do so, for as long as the demand was unsatisfied, it was reasonable to expect the application for the permits, one for the college the other for the press, would be refused. Besides that, as a rule of conduct, it appears to me that the legation cannot be expected to interpose in cases where our citizens attempt to carry on business in defiance of the imperial laws.

I have, &c.,