Mr. Cramer to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Berne, January 22, 1885. (Received February 6.)
Sir: I have the honor to transmit to you, herewith inclosed, a copy of a letter from Mr. George L. Catlin, United States consul at Zurich, dated the 19th of January, 1885, reciting the sad case of a boy, and applying for a passport for him.
[Page 795]It appears from a certificate of birth and baptism issued by the pastor of the German Presbyterian Church of New York City that said boy was born in New York City, and is the illegitimate son of a widow, from Regensdorf, of canton of Zurich, Switzerland, who appears to have been residing in that city at that date; whether her husband was a citizen of the United States is not quite certain. On her return she received a passport from this legation.
From the dates of the documents it appears that she returned to Switzerland with her son at a time when the latter was about four years of age. She has since died.
The following is an exact transcript of the records of this legation concerning the passport issued:
Record of passport No. — for Mrs. —— ——, accompanied by a minor son, of the United States of America. Description, none given. (Naturalized.) Authority, see voucher No. 193.
Now, said boy has not been in the United States since the year. 1871. Under these circumstances I am unable to decide whether he is a citizen of the United States. If the Department decides that he is a citizen, I request to be informed whether, he being in such needy circumstances as Consul Catlin reports, this legation may issue a passport to him gratis.
I am, &c.,