Mr. Valera to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, November 28, 1885. (Received December 2.)
I perform a painful duty in communicating to your excellency the following telegram, which I received on the 25th instant, at 11 o’clock p.m. It officially confirms the sad news which we already knew from common report:
The minister of state to the minister of Spain at Washington.
El Pardo Palace, November 25, 1885.
In the discharge of the saddest duties, I have to inform your excellency of the premature death of His Majesty Don Alfonso XII, which took place to-day, at this royal [Page 782] palace, at a quarter before 9 o’clock in the morning. The cabinet ministers at once respectfully tendered their resignations to the Queen, expressing their readiness to continue in office until Her Majesty should reach such a decision as she might deem best suited to the interests of the nation and of her august daughter.
I have delayed transmitting the foregoing communication to your excellency, awaiting the receipt of official information with regard to the changes that might be made in the personnel of the Government, inasmuch as Mr. Cánovas, president of the late cabinet, had tendered his resignation to the Queen regent. The latter has accepted it, and has requested Mr. Sagasta to form a new ministry, which, as I am officially informed, has now been done. The names of the new ministers are given in the following dispatch:
The ambassador of Spain at Paris to the minister of Spain at Washington.
Paris, November 28, 1885.
The ministry of which Mr. Cánovas del Castillo was president having resigned, Her Majesty the Queen regent has intrusted the formation of a new cabinet to Mr. Sagasta, and it has been formed as follows, the members having taken the oath of allegiance to Her Majesty last night:
President, Sagasta; state, Moret; grace and justice, Alonso Martinez; war, Jovellar; government, González; public works, Montero Rios; colonies, Gamazo.
I communicate to you the foregoing by order of the minister of state.
I avail, &c.,