No. 512.
Mr. Lothrop to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
St. Petersburg, September 24, 1885. (Received October 10.)
No. 19.]St. Petersburg, September 24, 1885. (Received October 10.)
Sir: It gives me pleasure to report to you that Lieut. W. H. Schuetze has safely reached Irkutsk on his journey to the Lena River.
I last evening received from him from Irkutsk, of date-September 10 (old style), the following telegram:
Arrived; roads rough; wait here for winter road to Yakutsk.
Yakutsk is, as I understand, about 2,800 versts beyond Irkutsk.
All mail matter received at this legation for Lieutenant Schuetze has been forwarded to him.
I have, &c.,