Lieutenant Schuetze to Mr. Bayard.
August 1, 1885.
Sir: It is with great regret that I announce to you the death of Maj. Gen. George Tchernaieff, governor of Yakutsk, the officer who rendered such valuable services to the survivors of the Jeannette and the search parties, and for whom the sword of honor, which I have with me, was intended.
As yet I have learned of his death through the newspapers only, but Mr. Wurts, the secretary of our legation here, has written the foreign office for official confirmation of the newspaper announcement.
His excellency, Mr. Lothrop, has suggested that perhaps the sword might be presented to the Emperor of Russia, to be placed in some national department or military museum.
I shall leave the sword here until I return from Siberia or receive further instructions from you. I shall be prepared to leave for the east as soon as I receive necessary documents from the Russian Government, which will materially assist me in rapid traveling. They have been requested and I am expecting them daily.
My proposed route is by way of Moscow, Nishni Novgorod, Perm, and Ekaterinburg, into Siberia.
I have, &c.,
Lieutenant, U. S. Navy.