Mr. Bell to Mr. Bayard.
The Hague, September 23, 1885. (Received October 7.)
Sir: As previously announced in my No. 44, of September 17, I have the honor to report that a manifestation on a large scale took place here on Sunday, the 20th instant, in favor of universal suffrage. The initiative of this demonstration and of the meeting which followed it was taken by the “Netherland League of Universal Suffrage” with the cooperation of the “Netherlands Workingmen’s Associations” and the “Social [Page 578] Democrats of the Netherlands.” Delegates representing over one hundred associations from all sections of the country took part in the procession, which was formed on the Bentenhof, in front of the legation. The procession, bearing flags and banners, but without music, quietly paraded the principal streets of the city, escorted by the police. Those taking part, some three or four thousand, subsequently held a meeting in one of the principal halls of the city, which lasted three hours, and during which time several important speeches were made. The speakers declared that if the people could not obtain universal suffrage through legal ways that they would obtain it by violence. The meeting finally adopted a resolution demanding for the last time “peacefully” universal suffrage. The resolution will be presented to the presidents of the two chambers and to the minister of the interior.
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I have, &c.,