Mr. Hubbard to Mr. Bayard.
Tokio, Japan, October 2, 1885. (Received October 30.)
Sir: I have the honor to call your attention to the correspondence on the subject of a proposed gift in perpetuity by the Japanese Government of certain lands in Tokio to the United States Government, to be used for United States legation purposes in Japan.
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This offer of the Japanese Government is still a standing offer, and awaits the action of our Government. I know that this proposition is made in earnest good faith, and that this Government anxiously desires to have the United States accept the tender.
It may be well to remark in this connection that all the other treaty powers have accepted long ago similar gifts of land from Japan, and have erected legations, court-houses, jails, and residences for their ministers and staffs.
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I have, &c.,