No. 407.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Tokio, Japan, June 9, 1885. (Received July 13.)
No. 2064.]Tokio, Japan, June 9, 1885. (Received July 13.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 2056, dated the 30th ultimo, wherewith I had the honor to inclose a copy of my note to his excellency Count Inouye, dated the 29th ultimo, conveying, in pursuance of your instruction, an expression of the thanks of our Government to that of Japan for the timely service rendered by His Majesty’s troops at Seoul in February last, I now have the pleasure to inclose herewith a translated copy of Count Inouye’s reply thereto, dated the 8th instant.
I have, &c.,