Mr. Bingham to Mr. Bayard.
Tokio, Japan, May 30, 1885. (Received June 30.)
Sir: Adverting to your instruction No. 911, dated the 30th of April last, inclosing copy of a letter of the chargé d’affaires of the United States at Seoul, dated the 1st of March last, in relation to the recent fire at Seoul and the kindly action taken on that occasion by the commander of the Japanese forces in Corea for the protection of the United States legation, I have the honor to inform you that, in accordance with said instruction, I addressed a note, dated the 29th instant, to his excellency Count Inouye, his Imperial Japanese Majesty’s minister for foreign affairs (a copy of which is herewith inclosed), wherein I acquainted him that, by your direction, I conveyed to his Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Government an expression of the sincere and grateful thanks of the Government of the United States for the signal and friendly service thus rendered by His Imperial Majesty’s troops.
I have, &c.,