Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Bingham.
Washington, February 11, 1885.
Sir: Acknowledging the receipt of your dispatches Nos. 1975 and 1978, of December 22 and January 2, last, touching the offer of the Japanese Government of a gift of land to the United States for legation purposes, I have now to inclose three copies of House Ex. Doc. No. 187, Forty-eighth Congress, second session, in regard to the subject. As soon as Congress shall take action upon the proposition as communicated by the President this Department will recommend that a sufficient appropriation be made wherewith to erect suitable public buildings and to inclose and ornament the grounds. Meanwhile, however, I have furnished the Committees of Foreign Relations and Foreign Affairs of the Senate and-House with copies of the President’s message and of your dispatches, and urged them to make favorable recommendations to Congress for the acceptance of the gift before the close of the present session, if possible.
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I am, &c.,