Mr. Bayard to Mr. Langston.
Washington, April 23, 1885.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Nos. 661 of August 21, 1884, 685 of November 8, 1884, and 723 of the 17th ultimo, all relating to the claims of American citizens in connection with the event of September 22 and 23, 1883, at Port-au-Prince.
Your No. 723 announces the agreement for the settlement of these claims, which provides for their submission to a mixed commission composed of four persons, two Americans and two Haytians, and their payment upon a discount of 10 per cent, of such sums.
Your action in the matter is approved, subject to the reserve to be found in the instruction No. 265 of March 7, 1884, as to diplomatic claims for other injuries.
I am, &c.,