No. 325.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. West.

My Dear Mr. West: I assume that the two memoranda you handed to me on the 13th instant embrace the acceptance by the Dominion and the British American coast provinces of the general features of my memorandum of April 21, concerning a temporary arrangement respecting the fisheries, with the understanding expressed on their side that the [Page 463] “agreement has been arrived at under circumstances affording prospect of negotiation for development and extension of trade between the United States and British North America.”

To such a contingent understanding I can have no objection. Indeed, I regard it as covered by the statement in my memorandum of May 21, that the arrangement therein contemplated would be reached “with the understanding that the President of the United States would bring the whole question of the fisheries before Congress at its next session in December, and recommend the appointment of a commission in which the Governments of the United States and Great Britain should be respectively represented, which commission should be charged with the consideration and settlement, upon a just, equitable, and honorable basis, of the entire question of the fishing rights of the two Governments and their respective citizens on the coasts of the United States and British North America.”

The equities of the question being before such a mixed commission would doubtless have the fullest latitude of expression and treatment on both sides; and the purpose in view being the maintenance of good neighborhood and intercourse between the two countries, the recommendation of any measures which the commission might deem necessary to attain those ends would seem to fall within its province, and such recommendations could not fail to receive attentive consideration.

I am not, therefore, prepared to state limits to the proposals to be brought forward in the suggested commission on behalf of either party.

I believe this statement will be satisfactory to you, and I should be pleased to be informed at the earliest day practicable of your acceptance of the understanding on behalf of British North America; and by this simple exchange of notes and memoranda the agreement will be completed in season to enable the President to make the result publicly known to the citizens engaged in the fishing on the British American Atlantic coast.

I have, &c.,