Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Lowell.
Washington, March 3, 1885.
Sir: You will recall the circumstances under which the Alert was presented to the United States by Her Majesty’s Government in February, 1884. A devoted band of observers, under the command of Lieut. A. W. Greely, of the United States Army, having advanced to an exposed point in the high polar region, and there established a scientific station as part of a general international scheme of Arctic observation, was, through the unfortunate wreck of the Proteus, deprived of expected relief, and left to its own unaided resources in retreating from the post it held. At a time when the fate of these brave men was in more than doubt, and when the Government and people of the United States were putting forth every exertion toward the relief of the unfortunates, Her Majesty’s Government, in a spirit of generous friendship, as signal as it was gratifying, offered to this Government, as a gift, the Alert, a vessel built and equipped especially for the dangerous service of the Arctic seas. As the gift was offered, so it was received, an earnest of the good fellowship which has so often made the two peoples one in the pursuit of a common aim.
Her mission of usefulness safely ended, it has been decided by the Congress of the United States of America, on the recommendation of the President, to give even greater emphasis to the good will so manifested on both sides by restoring the Alert to Her Majesty.
I inclose herewith a copy of that part of the act which directs the return of the vessel to Her Majesty’s Government. You will take an immediate occasion to communicate it to Earl Granville, with due expression of the deep sense of the friendship which inspired the gift and which inspires the return of the vessel crowned with the successful achievement of a noble purpose.
At the earliest practicable moment the Alert will sail for England.
You will inquire of his lordship at what port or place it may best suit the convenience of Her Majesty’s Government that, the vessel shall be delivered up, and will communicate the answer to this Department by telegraph.
I am, &c.,