Mr. Lowell to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
London, December 22, 1884. (Received January 3, 1885.)
Sir: Referring to your instruction, No. 1006, October 20, 1884, I have the honor to acquaint you that I immediately wrote to Lord Granville respecting the emigration of Mormon recruits from India to the United States, and he has just informed me that the attention of the governor-general of India will be called to the subject.
[Page 445]Lord Granville suggests furthermore that—
It is very desirable that the United States consuls in India should give to the government there all information and assistance in their power in regard to the matter, and especially that they should at once bring to the notice of the government any particular cases to which the provisions of the Indian penal code may appear to them to be applicable.
I have, &c.,