Mr. Bayard to Mr. Becerra.
Washington, May 4, 1885.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this day’s date, in which you acquaint me with the fears of the Colombian authorities upon the Isthmus that the agents of the insurgents at New York may succeed in purchasing or freighting a vessel in aid of Prestan’s movement against Cartagena, and possibly against Colon anew, and the name of the Claribel is mentioned as that of the vessel which it may be sought to equip for such hostile purpose, in view of which fears you ask that this Government give orders of vigilance, and, if need be, of repression in the case.
I have hastened to transmit copy of your note to the Secretary of the Treasury and to the Attorney General, in order that a watch may be kept upon the Claribel. If, however, that vessel should prove to be actually engaged in the unlawful purpose you indicate, the judicial machinery for her prosecution under the statute would require to be set in motion by due complaint, under oath, with the necessary evidence.
Accept, &c.,