No. 199.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Becerra.

Sir: I have the honor to bring to your immediate attention the inclosed copy of a letter from the United States district attorney at New York of the 29th instant (recently forwarded hither by the Attorney-General), wherein Mr. Root asks that you will furnish certain necessary information touching the revolutionary movement in the United States of Colombia, for use in connection with the neutrality proceedings against the steamship City of Mexico.

Accept, &c.

[Page 260]

Mr. Garland to Mr. Bayard.

Sir: I have the honor to transmit to you, for your, consideration, a copy of a letter of the 29th instant from United States Attorney Root, New York, in relation to the neutrality proceedings against the steamer City of Mexico and her master, and to call your attention to the suggestion of the attorney that the Colombian Minister be asked to furnish certain necessary information.

Very respectfully,

[Inclosure in inclosure.]

Mr. Root to Mr. Garland.

Sir: In the neutrality proceedings against the City of Mexico and her master, of which you were advised by my letter of last Saturday, the counsel for the defense has stated that he would accept a statement by the Colombian minister in lieu of formal proof on certain matters which I think it important to bring out. I have the honor to suggest, therefore, that the minister be asked to give full information as soon as he can conveniently do it on the following points:

An account of the insurrection in the United States of Colombia from its inception to April 10th last, with special reference to the State of Bolivar and the cities Barranquilla, Sabanilla, and Rio de la Hacha.
The relations, official and other, to the established government of Colombia and to the insurgents during the said period, and more particularly during February and March last, of the following persons: Benjamin Gaitan, J. de P. Manotas, Mig. de la Espriella, Frederico Castro R., J. F. Acevedo, —— Salgar, Rudecindo Ospina B.
By whom were Barranquilla, Sabanilla, and Rio de la Hacha held during February and March?
What has become of the fiscal officers of Rio de la Hacha captured by insurgent soldiers on the City of Mexico the latter part of March?
What is the law of the United States of Colombia with reference to the intervention of Colombian consuls in the matter of shipments to Colombian ports?

Very respectfully,

United States Attorney.