No. 150.

Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Scruggs.

No. 19.]

Sir: I have received your No. 180 of the 23d ultimo, in regard to the threatening condition of affairs in Colombia, and to say that agreeably to a previous understanding with the Secretary of the Navy he has caused a vessel of war of the United States to be stationed at Colon and Panama, for the protection of American interests in that quarter. I shall, however, inclose to Mr. Chandler a copy of your dispatch, and as bearing upon the subject to which it relates, I herewith transmit a copy of a telegram of the 18th instant, from the commander of the U. S. S. Alliance at Panama to Mr. Chandler, who has kindly forwarded it hither, saying that a revolution was in progress there.

I am, &c.,

[Page 203]
[Inclosure in No. 19.—Telegram.]

Commander Clark to Mr. Chandler.

Revolution in progress. President of Panama announces his inability to protect the property of Panama Railroad Company. At request of authorities shall land force soon as possible to protect American property in Aspinwall. Will keep you informed of state of affairs. Have put Alliance alongside dock to assist in case demonstration. Please give such instructions you think proper. United States minister Bogota cannot be communicated with; wires cut. Bogota in state of siege.

Commander U. S. N., Commanding U. S. S. Alliance.