Mr. Cheng Tsao Ju to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, D. C., October 17, 1885. (Received October 17.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that in a recent communication from Mr. Owyang Ming, Chinese consul-general at San Francisco, I am informed that three Chinese residents at Seattle, Washington Territory, [Page 194] were, in the night of the 7th ultimo, killed, and three wounded, by citizens there; that in the night of the 24th ultimo the citizens of that vicinity burnt down all the residences of Chinese miners there; and that the Chinese merchants in Washington Territory called the consul-general’s special attention to the fact that proclamations, as result of the anti-Chinese meeting lately held at Seattle, were published in the local papers, demanding the departure of all Chinese persons from the Territory before the 1st of November, 1885, and intimating that force would be applied if this demand should fail to take effect. Resolutions were also agreed to by the meeting, calling upon all citizens to aid in the work. Apprehending the imminent danger of the Chinese subjects, the consul-general, through Col. Frederick A. Bee, Chinese consul at San Francisco, requested the governor of Washington Territory by telegraph to extend his protection over the Chinese residents there.
Since the evil-doers of the Territory have been so violent in their conduct, and now threaten to expel all Chinese persons from the Territory, an outbreak like that at Rock Springs may occur at any moment. I therefore most respectfully ask that your excellency will request the governor of Washington Territory to use special caution, and to take all necessary steps to avoid such an apprehended occurence.
Accept, sir, &c.,