No. 464.
Mr. Baker
to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Caracas, August 29, 1884. (Received September 13.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 938, and to your dispatch numbered 321, relative to the case of Mr. John Dalton, late United States consul, at Ciudad Bolivar, I write to say that not having yet received any answer [Page 595] to my dispatch to Mr. Dalton, of date May 29 last (a copy of which was sent as inclosure No. 3 with my said No. 938), I have addressed a dispatch, of this date, to Mr. William Henderson, United States vice-consul at Ciudad Bolivar, of which I inclose a copy herewith drawing, his attention to my said dispatch to Mr. Dalton, and requesting that he send me an answer thereto, particularly to the closing part of it, in which I requested Mr. Dalton to inform me of the place and time of birth of his son John, and of any other facts within his knowledge which might have a bearing on the question of his citizenship. As soon as I can get this information I will communicate it to the Department.
I am, &c.,