No. 400.
Mr. Valera to Mr. Hunter.
Washington, October 7, 1884. (Received October 8.)
The undersigned, envy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Spain, has the honor to bring to the knowledge of the Hon. W. Hunter, Acting Secretary of State of the United States, that, according to information received by him from the consul-general of Spain in New York, of which communication has already been made to the attorney of the district, Maximo Gomez, Maceo Crombet, Dr. Hernandez, Carrillo Aguilera, and other Cuban insurgents are publicly conspiring in that city against Cuba, and propose, with various other refugees there resident, to make a turbulent manifestation against Spain on the 10th day of the present month.
The undersigned hastens to call the attention of the honorable Secretary of State to this matter, and begs him that, by the legal means which may be at the disposition of this Government, he will endeavor to prevent, as a mark of deference to the friendly relations which exist between this Republic and Spain, the conspiracies of the aforesaid individuals and the realization of their projected tumultuous manifestation.
[Page 521]The undersigned has no doubt of the good desire and the activity which the Government of the United States will show and will employ under the present circumstances to frustrate the evil aims of those obstinate disturbers of the public peace of Spain, and he improves, &c.