No. 382.
Mr. Valera to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Washington, April 30, 1884. (Received April 30.)
The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Spain, has the honor to bring to the knowledge of the Secretary of State that the consuls of Spain at New Orleans, Savannah, and Baltimore report to him that the enemies of the public peace in Cuba are preparing, or give out that they are preparing, expeditions against that Spanish province.
The undersigned believes it his duty to communicate these reports to the honorable Secretary of State of the United States, in the confidence that he will cause the truth thereof to be investigated, and, whether warfare against a friendly nation be contemplated, or the purpose be to create alarm to the prejudice of the commerce of both countries, or to collect money from dupes, that the President of the United States will order the Federal authorities to exact from the insurgents the strictest compliance with the laws, thereby affording an additional proof of the good relations which happily join the United States and Spain.
The undersigned improves, &c.,