No. 377.
Mr. Valera to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Washington, April 18, 1884. (Received April 18.)
The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Spain, has the honor to inform the honorable Secretary of State of the United States that he learns from dispatches which he has received from the consuls of his nation at New Orleans and Mobile that the steamer Crawford has been sold to a merchant of the latter city for the sum of $2,750, and that the said steamer is, to all appearances, intended to convey another expedition to the island of Cuba.
This steamer will not be delivered without the authorization of the Government at Washington, and the undersigned hastens to write to the honorable Secretary of State to the end that his Government may refuse to grant such authorization unless a satisfactory guarantee is previously furnished that the vessel in question shall not be used for carrying filibusters and outlaws from these coasts to make war upon a friendly nation.
The undersigned has also been informed by the consular officers of Spain that arms are being sold, and that shells and other explosive materials are being manufactured at New York, Key West, and other places in order that they may be used for fresh expeditions against Cuba. He thinks it proper to communicate this information to the honorable Secretary of State, and he hopes that the shipment of these articles, which are contraband of war, to the dominions of Spain, will be prevented by all the means at the disposal of this Government, and that those who are guilty of thus violating the laws of this country will be punished as they deserve.
The undersigned avails, &c.,