No. 375.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Valera.
Washington, April 15, 1884.
Sir: Referring to your note of the 10th instant, I have the honor to say that according to a telegram of the same date, from G. B. Patterson, United States attorney at Key West, to the Attorney-General, the Spanish consul received, on the 9th instant, the following telegram from the captain-general of Cuba: “Left to-night on steamer Hutchinson, Aurelio Mayol, who said he goes to kill the Spanish consul.” The dispatch of Mr. Patterson also states that he procured a warrant for the arrest of Mayol, and that the arrest was effected on the arrival of the steamer. The United States attorney appeared before the justice for the consul, and Mayol was bound over to keep the peace for one month to await further evidence.
Accept, &c.,