No. 370.
Mr. Valera to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Washington, April 10, 1884. (Received April 11.)
The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Spain, has the honor to inform the honorable Secretary of State of the United States that, according to telegraphic dispatches which he has just received from the Spanish consul at Key West, the irritation and excitement at present existing there [Page 506] among the Cuban refugees and their sympathizers is so great that it appears that an attempt against the life of that consular representative is imminent.
The honorable Secretary of State will not fail to perceive the grave situation in which such an occurrence would place the United States, and in the name of international law, and of the good friendship which exists between the Government of the Union and that of His Majesty the King, he begs that he will be pleased to cause such measures as may be within reach to be immediately taken to insure the personal safety of the Spanish agent at Key West, and to ward off any criminal attempt directed against that officer.
The undersigned trusts to the efficacious and energetic attitude which the United States will doubtless adopt in the present circumstances, and improves the opportunity, &c.