No. 320.
Mr. Halderman to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Bangkok, Siam, April 9, 1884. (Received June 12.)
Sir: I had audience of the King this afternoon, which was not prolonged, on account of the information there communicated that His Majesty a few hours before had lost by cholera another half-sister—a princess highly esteemed for her many virtues.
I stated that I had sought the interview to ascertain, if possible, what might be the royal pleasure concerning the application of certain Christian missionaries presented by me two months since asking license to establish a Christian mission, school, and hospital at Lakon, North Siam.
The reply was the petition had been considered, and that the Siamese commissioner at Lakon would be instructed to obtain from the authorities at Lakon the desired protection, and that I should be furnished with a copy of the royal order.
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Another royal promise was gratefully received, to wit, that the next installment of state scholars should be sent to America to be educated. Europe has thirty or more while our own country has none.
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I am, &c.,