No. 269.
Mr. Cayetano
Romero to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Washington, D. C., November 21, 1884. (Received November 24.)
Mr. Secretary: As the Government of Mexico desires to correct the impression which might be produced by the tenor of the note which your Department kindly transmitted to Mr. Romero on the 16th October last, in answer to one from the latter gentleman of the 9th of the same month, communicating the decision of the President of the United States of Mexico in the matter of the island of Morteritos, in which note mention is made of the renunciation of the claim to certain islands in the channel of the Rio Bravo, I have been instructed to inform you, as I have the honor of now doing, that the Government of Mexico has not renounced its claim to the ownership of certain islands, but has merely admitted, in view of the information transmitted to it in the matter by this legation, and of the official decision of the Department of Public Works, that it has no right to the island of Morteritos.
I have, &c.,