No. 262.
Mr. Romero to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Washington, May 24, 1884. (Received May 24.)
Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to inform you that I have received a telegram from the ministry of foreign relations of the United States of Mexico, dated yesterday at the city of Mexico, in which I am informed that the commander of the United States troops in Roma, Tex., says that he has instructions from the War Department to occupy the island of Morteritosy Sabinos.
As Mexico has always had possession of that island, my Government instructs me to request that of the United States of America that matters may remain in statu quo until both Governments come to an agreement upon this subject.
A note from this legation, having reference to a circumstance relative to that island, was sent to your Department the 13th of March last, which was answered by you on the 8th of April following.
I avail, &c.,