Coming as this does from an impartial source, the extract from the
“Independence” is another evidence of the injustice of the crusade against
American pork. It furnishes reasonable grounds for the adoption of a
retaliatory action on our part in order to protect ourselves as well as our
[Inclosure in No. 196.—Translation.—Extract
from the “Independence Beige,” March 31, 1884.]
Agricultural correspondent of the “Independence
Beige” Paris, March 30.
Our pork producers, or rather those who represent them in Parliament and
who think that their votes maybe useful in the next election, make a
great fuss about trichina). But the singular thing is that they persist
in searching for them in the American pork, and if necessary discover
them, notwithstanding the reports of the scientists, which should be
accepted as final on this point. These learned men may vainly
demonstrate that the care taken in raising the American hog, that his
food, consisting principally of Indian corn, a plant which has not the
reputation of sheltering the trichinae in its tissues, lender the
American bog at least as healthy as the French hog. But these obstinate
people will not give up, and it is thus that they have succeeded in
springing upon the Chamber of Deputies a resolution asking the
Government to suspend the entry of American pork into France.
At the same time, on the other hand, they leave the doors wide open to
the German pork. Why? He would be very sharp who could explain this
anomaly, unless there is therein another evil effect of the baneful
treaty of Frankfort.
The fact remains, however, that if there be a dangerous hog in the world
capable of disturbing the security which our culinary custom of
thoroughly cooking our meat gives us, that hog would be the German. It
is he who, by rooting amongst the filth in the villages in certain
German provinces, has become the vehicle of the trichinae which he
swallows, in devouring rats, moles, and other dead animals which he
finds in his vagabond wanderings.
Now, do you know how much pork Germany sent us in 1883, either more or
less, well salted I Eleven thousand three hundred and eight quintals.
And the United States, which are here made to play the rôle of
scape-goat, 524 quintals altogether.
But here is something different—a new meat parasite in the German pork.
It is a small, striped mushroom (Aktinomyces),
which has recently been signaled to the Medical Society of Berlin. The
discovery appears to be due to Professor Bollinger, of Munich, who has
also established the ravages which it creates in animals. Then Professor
Bonfik, of Breslau, proved that this parasite is easily transmitted to
man, to
[Page 22]
whom he gives a
contagious disease generally mortal in its effects. The report in which
the latter establishes this fact was presented by him to the illustrious
Birchow on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his professorship. This was
certainly a really scientific gift, but none the less a singular
It appears, according to Professor Bonfik, that this mushroom has the
most dangerous, deleterious effect on the human system, producing
suppurations and secondary affections of the heart and other important