No. 169.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. West.

Sir: With reference to my reply of the 8th ultimo to your note of the 1st of that month, in relation to the case of the Indian prisoner Lem Tam, I now have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a report from the governor of Washington Territory in relation to the matter, which I have received through the Secretary of the Interior.

Adding that I am advised by the Attorney-General that the officers of the Department of Justice are engaged in investigating the subject,

I have, &c.,


Mr. Teller to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

Sir: Referring to your communication of the 8th ultimo, transmitting a copy of a note from the British minister at this capital in relation to a case of lynching in British [Page 246] Columbia alleged to have been committed by American citizens from Washington Territory, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a report from the governor of Washington Territory relative to the subject.

Very respectfully, &c.,


Hon. Henry M. Teller,
Secretary of the Interior:

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated May 9, 1884, with accompanying papers, concerning the lynching of “Indian Jack” in British Columbia, and beg leave to submit the following correspondence which was held immediately thereafter:


Victoria, British Columbia, February 28.

Governor Newell:

Indian Jack, supposed murderer of Bell at Nooksachk, Washington Territory, was lynched last night by parties from Washington Territory. Names as yet unknown. Please instruct your police to watch for and arrest parties on their return. Pending our application for extradition, our governor will communicate with you as soon as is possible.


To which I replied:

Olympia, W. T., February 29.

Hon. Alexander E. Davis,
Attorney-General, British Columbia:

Notified Secretary of State, and requested Prosecutor Bradshaw to act immediately and vigorously.


Hon. Mr. Bradshaw,
Port Townsend, W. T.:

Attorney-general British Columbia telegraphs lynching of Indian Jack, asking arrest of lynchers. Please act immediately and vigorously.


To which Mr. Bradshaw replied by letter:

Port Townsend, W. T., March 3, 1884.

Hon. William A. Newell,
Governor Washington Territory:

Sir: I received your telegram on Saturday too late to write the attorney-general of British Columbia by the mail of that day, but have to-day expressed to him by letter, tendering him all the assistance I can render, by myself or the police authorities subordinate to me, to ferret out and bring to justice the persons offending or engaged in the late raid into British Columbia from or near Nooksachk, in Whatcom County.

Very respectfully, yours,

Prosecuting Attorney Third Judicial District.

I have had no further official communication from Mr. Bradshaw, but in a conversation he has informed me that he had used all means in his power to discover the perpetrators of the crime, without success.

Immediately upon the receipt of the telegram from the attorney-general of British Columbia, I sent a dispatch to the Secretary of State of the United States as follows:

Executive Department Washington Territory,
February 29, 1884.

I have the following telegram and assured best efforts. Notified prosecuting attorney to act vigorously. No money at hand for any expenses whatever.

Governor Washington Territory.

[Page 247]

The telegram was accompanied by a copy of that from the attorney-general of British Columbia.

I corresponded with the State Department because I had been communicated with by that Department in a case of lynching of a British subject two years ago at Seattle. This constitutes my entire action and knowledge of the case. If any further prosecution is desired please give direction.

I am, &c.,
