No. 161.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. West.
Washington, February 13, 1884.
Sir: With reference to my reply of the 10th ultimo to your note of the 2d of that month, concerning the application of the Canadian authorities to land a telegraph cable in Washington Territory, I now have the honor to inform you that it appears, from inquiries which this Government has made in reference to the matter, that the granting of the desired permission would make the Canadian line a competing one with the Puget Sound Telegraph Company’s line, and would place the latter company at a disadvantage unless it should not only be permitted to land a cable at Victoria, but to establish local offices in the Dominion for the reception of business there.
Under these circumstances, therefore, the President adheres to the requirements set forth in my note to you of the 28th of September last.
I have, &c.,