No. 15.
Mr. Davis to Baron Schaeffer.
Washington, August 23, 1884.
Baron: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this date in relation to an occurrence which took place in Pittsburgh on the 18th instant, when the chief of police of that city is alleged to have forbidden the display of the Austrian flag upon the consulate there.
I shall immediately take steps to cause an official investigation of the matter, at the conclusion of which I shall communicate to you further, not doubting that a satisfactory result will be reached.
I may be permitted to remark incidentally that our conversation on the 21st instant was based entirely upon a newspaper report, and in what was then said I did not understand that either you or I intended in any way to express an official opinion in the absence of a definite and trustworthy statement of the facts.
Accept, &c.,
Acting Secretary.