No. 149.
Mr. West to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Washington, June 29, 1883.
(Received June 30.)
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith copy
of a report of a committee of the privy council of Canada on the subject
of a projected cable connecting the Canadian Government telegraph system
[Page 230]
Victoria, Vancouver
Island, and Point Angelos, Washington Territory, and to submit to you
the request therein contained for permission to land the proposed cable
in Washington Territory.
I have, &c.,
Report of a committee of the privy council for
Canada, approved by the Governor-General June 13,
On a report dated June 8, 1883, from the minister of public works,
submitting that it is proposed to lay a cable for the purpose of
connecting the Canadian Government telegraph system near Victoria,
Vancouver Island, and Point Angelos, Washington Territory, there to
connect with the Puget Sound Telegraph Company’s line to Seattle and
the United States Government line to Cape Flattery:
The minister represents that an additional cable route would thus be
provided between Vancouver Island and the mainland of British
Columbia, and also with the United States and Eastern Canada.
The minister recommends that your excellency be moved to communicate
with the Hon. Mr. Sackville-West, the British minister at
Washington, and request him to seek the permission of the United
States Government to land the proposed cable in Washington
The committee concur in the recommendation of the minister of public
works and submit the same for your excellency’s approval.
Clerk Privy Council,