No. 65.
Mr. Godoy to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Washington, October 29, 1883. (Received October 29.)
Sir: I had the honor, on the 24th instant, to address to you a communication transmitting to you the information that I had just received by telegraph in relation to important events which had occurred in Peru tending to the restoration of normal relations between that country and Chili.
According to that information, the government of General Iglesias, which was established at Lima on the 23d, after having signed a definitive [Page 123] treaty of peace, was exercising its authority everywhere in Peru except in Arequipa and its vicinity. It was hoped, however, that the people of Arequipa would soon yield and unite with the rest of the Peruvians in supporting the government of General Iglesias.
This hope has now been realized, as I learn from a telegram which I have just received from General Lynch. It is dated Lima, October 29, and is as follows:
Arequipa surrendered without a battle. Iglesias proclaimed in this city. Montero has fled.
If your excellency’s Government has already been informed by its representatives of the foregoing, the intelligence contained in this communication will be of no value except as furnishing evidence of my desire to advise your excellency without delay of the establishment of a state of things in consonance with the wishes that have been entertained by all Governments friendly to the belligerents on the Pacific coast.
I avail, &c.,